Cultivating the Local Arts Scene
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Home.Grown NC 2023

Love on the Home.Grown Heroes from 2023!

Thank you to our fellow small business owners and collaborators who both define and support us. Together, we at Home.Grown NC are proud to welcome everyone and their art.

Presented bY

Vantage Point Productions @vantagepointproductions

Home.Grown NC @home.grownnc

In partnership with

Verge. | Real Estate

Showcases and Curations from

Shameless Improv Society @shamelessimprov

See Bird Go. @seebirdgo

Will White @thatwillwhite

Tango CLT @tangoclt

Aerial CLT @aerialclt

Miah @miahmusic.official

Søelle @soellemusic

Carolina Beer Money @carolinabeermoney

GrindHaus Studios - Jared @nexbestjared

GrindHaus Studios - Asha Bell & Gabriel @Ashak.gabriel

GrindHaus Studios - John Maddrey @johnmaddrey

CLT Dance @cltdancecharlotte

La Casa De La Cultura @lacasade_lacultra

Corine Olarte Creative Co & Eat Like An Artist [Podcast] @corineolarte

Meagan Church @mchurchwriter

Brandon Reese @brandonreese

Patrice Gopo @patricegopo

Maya Myers @mayamyersbooks

Matt Myers @myerspaints

Tuxedo Kat @tuxedokat.imaginarium

Creations and Collaborations

Babe & Butcher @babeandbutcher

CHNO Coffee

Luvea Jewlery Co. @Luveajewelry

Chickpeasy On Wheels @chickpeasyfoodtruck

Park Road Books @parkroadbooksclt

Craft CLT @wecraftclt

Art Cart NoDa @artcartnoda

Queen City Jacks @queencityjacks

MacFly Fresh @macflyfresh

Rachel Hiemer Studio @rachelhiemerstudio

Glitching Icarus @glitchingicarus

Silvery Moonlight Co @silverymoonlightco

Eternal Wildflowers @eternalwildflowers

Dainty By Jasmine @daintybyjasmine

Sandlore @sandloreusa

Hornback Designs @hornback_designs

Earth Angel Artistry @earthangelartistry444

Rhythm & Exposure @rhythmandexposure

Ernesto Moreno Photography @ernestomorenophotography

Looking to get involved, click the link below and let us know how you’d like to showcase your creativity!